
Introduction to Cardiovascular Disease

£ 300.00 gbp
Wed, 26 Feb 2025, 09:15 GMT – Wed, 5 Mar 2025, 16:00 GMT
Virtual Class
Dates Breakdown
Wed, 26 Feb 2025, 09:15–16:00 GMT
Day 1
Wed, 5 Mar 2025, 09:15–16:00 GMT
Day 2
Introduction to Cardiovascular Disease
Introduction to Cardiovascular Disease (2-Day Course)

Course Description:

BBO Training has responded to numerous requests for a course focused on cardiovascular disease, following the success of our previous courses, such as Introductions to COPD/Asthma/Diabetes and Minor Illness. In response, we have developed a comprehensive two-day agenda on this critical subject.

These days are designed to provide a holistic approach to cardiovascular diseases, encompassing Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Stroke, Heart Failure, and Hypertension. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to perform annual reviews for patients with these conditions.

This course is particularly well-suited for Nurse Associates, Practice Nurses, Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Emergency Nurse Practitioners (ENPs), Paramedics, and Pharmacists. Dr. Tamara Cunningham, an experienced GP Trainer, will lead these interactive online sessions.

Day One

09.15 - Coffee and Registration
09.30 - Introduction and Course Objectives
09.45 - Setting the Scene:
 - Screening, Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Symptoms
10.30 - Q-Risk Assessment
10.45 - Coffee Break
11.00 - Diet & Cardiovascular Disease:
 - Healthy Eating
 - Range of Dietary Approaches
 - Weight Management Services (PH25)
11.45 - Benefits of Activity for Cardiovascular Disease
12.30 - Lunch
01.30 - Hypertension – A Review of NICE Guidelines (NG136):
 - Targets
 - Risk Assessment
 - Medications
 - Assessing Target Organ Damage
02.45 - Lipid Modification – A Review of Nice Guidelines (NG181):
 - How Lipids Affect Cardiovascular Risk
03.15 - Case Studies
03.30 - Action Plan, Evaluation, and Resources
03.45 - Close

Day Two

09.15 - Coffee and Registration
09.30 - Heart Failure – How to Perform a Safe Annual Review (NG106)
10.45 - Coffee Break
11.00 - CHD – Performing an Annual Review and Including Assessment of Angina
12.30 - Lunch
01.30 - Stroke – Secondary Prevention and Management of Long-Term Complications
02.30 - Case Studies – Group Work to Consolidate Learning
03.30 - Competencies, Training, and Resources
03.45 - Close

Key Learning Outcomes for Both Days:

Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

1. Explain the basic physiology of cardiovascular disease.
2. Perform risk assessments with patients and discuss modifiable factors such as diet and exercise.
3. Describe the targets for blood pressure and cholesterol and how these affect primary and secondary prevention of CVD.
4. Describe the basic anti-hypertensive and cholesterol-lowering medications involved in CVD.
5. Name the major complications that may arise in people with a long duration of CVD and measures that may limit or prevent them.
6. Describe the key advice to patients regarding Heart Failure and recognition of when to escalate/refer.
7. Perform a safe review for stroke, CHD, and HF, recognizing how to work within your professional limits and when to signpost.
8. Provide examples of referral pathways to other services, e.g., weight management, secondary care, activity, and psychological services.
9. Explain the key components and process of an annual review and a self-management plan.

Join us for this comprehensive 2-day course via Zoom and enhance your ability to provide effective cardiovascular disease care within primary care settings.


Dr Tamara Cunningham


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Virtual Class


  • Diabetes & Cardiovascular Health
  • Introduction