
Introduction to Travel Health

£ 300.00 gbp
Thu, 24 Apr 2025, 09:30 BST – Fri, 25 Apr 2025, 16:00 BST
Virtual Class
Dates Breakdown
Thu, 24 Apr 2025, 09:30–16:00 BST
Day 1
Fri, 25 Apr 2025, 09:30–16:00 BST
Day 2
Introduction to Travel Health

Introduction to Travel for Healthcare Professionals

(This is intended to provide an overview the program may change slightly)

Day 1 

09.15 Registration
09.30 Introduction and course objectives
09.45 What is travel medicine?
10.30 Risk assessment; the traveller, and the destination
11.00 Coffee
11.20 Travel risk management – Vaccine preventable diseases
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Immunisation theory
14.00 Refresher on Cold Chain and Anaphylaxis
14.20 Coffee
14.40 Health promotion and preventative measure for non-vaccine preventable diseases
15.15 Q&A - Setting tasks before Day 2
15.45 Close

Day 2

09.15 Registration
09.30 Introduction and course objectives
09.45 Risk assessment; the vaccines
10.30 Vaccine schedules
11.00 Coffee
11.20 Mosquito-borne diseases / Malaria
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Special needs and complex travellers
14.20 Coffee
14.40 Group work / shared learning
15.15 Providing safe effective travel service within Primary care – Q and A session
15.45 Close

Learning Outcomes

  1. To understand the overall principle of travel medicine
  2. Understand the importance of a risk assessment, the traveller, the destination, the vaccines.
  3. Review the general immunisation theory – including resources that are available.
  4. Learn the vaccine preventable travel diseases, relevant vaccinations, and their schedules.
  5. Recognise the relevance of mosquito borne diseases / Malaria.
  6. Discover how health promotion and preventative measure for non-vaccine preventable diseases can reduce disease incidence.
  7. Analyse how we can care for special needs and complex travellers.
  8. Gain an understanding of how providing safe effective travel service within Primary care can be undertaken, using key resources and competency frameworks.



Jenny O'Connor


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Virtual Class


  • Immunisations
  • Introduction